New to Grace? Visiting?
We welcome you once; we welcome you twice.We welcome you three times in the name of Jesus Christ!
We're so glad to have you.
A Few Quick Things You Might Like to Know
There are 2 services every Sunday:
8am Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:15am Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Every 5th Sunday, our 10:15 service is a tad more comtemporary...gospel music along with the traditional
Bible Study
10am Adult Sunday School (two classes)
10:15am Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Every 5th Sunday, our 10:15 service is a tad more comtemporary...gospel music along with the traditional
Bible Study
10am Adult Sunday School (two classes)
10:15 Youth Sunday School - ages preschool to high school seniors (September –May)
Coffee Hour
After each service, come to the parish hall for donut, pastries and coffee.
**Join us for Vacation Bible School every summer in June or July”**
All baptized persons are invited to join us at the Altar for communion.
If you have not been baptized, simply cross your arms across your
chest, and the Priest will give you a blessing on your forehead.